
Monday, January 9, 2012


im so damn exhausted today.being a nanny to my nieces,alysha and up in early morning and sent yani to nearest clinic.she got asthma again.and of course my little niece alysha ,keep kissed me on the cheek.she misses me a lot i guess.she accompanied me while making cakes and our lunch ayam masak cili api and kangkung belacan.not so delicious but i think im done well :)

why i am so exhausted?i need to go to unikl bangsar.since my mom got new tender in a private university, me and siblings were responsible to manage that cafe by need to manage in UNIKL need to manage UIA GOMBAK.and we as perfect sisters in UNIKL BANGSAR.hohoho.alhamdulillah. allah keep giving us chance to ensure all the rezeki(s) that HE given,we're supposedly thankful.alhamdulillah.alhamdulillah.alhamdulillah.

i dont care if people out there stares and sees our weaknesses rather than our shows me one thing.she's not educated enough.didnt learnt in university or private university either but she's so hardworking.she's started selling nasi lemak for 10 years and used her savings and going to mecca with dad on 2000.the same years my late brothers gone :( im proud because my parents taught me to be strong and im not shame and proudly said,yes,my parents did well for me and siblings by selling nasi lemak on side road.

im so exhausted.jejaka waiting for me for hours and finally he slept over.didnt call me after midnight and ensure he's also tiring up since in the early morning.he called me for subuh prayer as usual.and midday, spent his time with his friends.night,he'll be spent with me.but,unfortunately, everyday he always bear with me :)

since 3 days, his mother talked and we had conversation together on the phone.jejaka said,his mother missed me :) she wants me be there on 10th January but i think i cant make busy.actually,im so scared to get into his in a path to know him.for now,i dont like the term "coupling" or whatsoever you called.its all about a man im comfortable to be so so so so thankful by knowing him :)

his mother was so kind.everyday told me about jejaka.what he likes and what he dont likes.i dont know why but maybe she wants me to know her son well.we laughed and his mother were always backing me up in front of jejaka.kehkehkeh.yeah.i know....jejaka wants me to become as his mom's friends and close to her but im afraid.its cool when a mom welcoming us into the family right?such as a green light but i put a red light between us :( im so not just be careful.for your information,jejaka closest to his mom.too close!

thanks to ALLAH coz bring them to me.
thanks to ALLAH for all rezeki(s) we had.
thanks to ALLAH for love i had from surrounding people.
thanks ALLAH.

i met him on this day but different month and year.jejaka, hope ALLAH blessing us.

im not in a fairytale own :))

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