
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i hope i can

hai..nama saya 'aieen kacak.

perut saya semakin sakit.

sakit teruk.
pedih sangat.
dah lama tak rasa macam ni.
najis juga aneh rupanya.
seperti dahulu.
*menaip sambil menangis*

my abah salleh ask me to go back to KL today
my mom bubbling near mine~ears
no more excuses
act,i dont want back to home.
as zila said,when you back home,your assignments will be on your back too.

i'm sorry.
daddy intend to brings me to HKL.
maybe tomorrow
endoscopic *i guess my spelling was correct*
to see what is happend in my stomach due to cologne.
act,i'm too worried.
so worried.


bell said...

pergi check je.
tak tahu lagi betul ke tak sakit tu.
dont worry too much dear.
bila da sahkan, baru worry k. huhu.
insyaAllah xda ape2. i wish.

miss aieen said...

huhuhu.i guess.huhu